Alaa Abdelsalam

Dipartimento di Civiltà e forme del sapere, via Pasquale Paoli 15, 56126 Pisa

Progetto di ricerca: “Crossing the Boundaries Between East and West. Barthélemy d’Herbélot’s Bibliothèque Orientale and its Ottoman Source”
Tutor: prof. Cristina D’Ancona


Laurea specialistica ottenuta all’Università di Alessandria d’Egitto.

Esperienze lavorative:

22 gennaio 2012 – in corso: Traduttore dall’arabo all’inglese presso Egyptian Tourist Authority – Borg El-Arab International Airport – Alexandria – Egypt.
Dicembre 2010 – Novembre 2011: Traduttore dall’arabo all’inglese presso Khedr Office for Translation (Alexandria – Egypt).
Gennaio 2010 – Dicembre 2010: Traduttore dall’arabo all’inglese presso El-Alamia Office for Translation (Cairo – Egypt).
Gennaio 2009 – Dicembre 2009: Traduttore dall’arabo all’inglese presso El-Zahrani Company for (Dammam – Saudi Arabia).
Luglio 2006 – Novembre 2008: Traduttore dall’arabo all’inglese presso El-Farouk Office for Translation (Cairo – Egypt).

Interventi e partecipazione a convegni, conferenze, seminari, laboratori:

The Third Postgraduate Conference: “New Horizons in Academic Research”, 3-6 March 2018, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University.
The Eighth Scientific Seminar of Manuscripts Center at Bibliotheca Alexandrina about “Al-Nadim’s Fihrist”, 18 February 2019. Lecturer Prof. Ayman Fuad Sayyid.


  • Monografie e traduzioni (in lingua araba)
    – Islam: An Historical Introduction by Gerhard Endress. (Translation). Edition Postmodernité, Fez, Morocco, 2019.
    -Zangid Dynasty based on Al-Tārīkh al-bāhir of Ibn al-Athir. Dar Safahat, Damascus 2017.
  • Articoli e contributi in volume (in lingua araba)
    – (Ibn al-Sa’i al-Baghdadi: His biography and works). The Third Postgraduate Conference “New Horizons in Academic Research”, 3-6 March 2018, Bulletin of Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Issue No. 91, 2018, pp. 239-260.
    – (Ismat addin Khatun: The Votary Sultana). Al-Muqtataf Magazine, 2017.
    – (Ibn al-Athir as an historian of the Zangid Dynasty based on his book “Al-Tārīkh al-bāhir”). Historical Kan Periodical, December 2016, No. 34. pp. 170-179.
    – (Political Recklessness: models from our history). Ida’at, 2018.
    – (Contradictions in the Ayyubid Dynasty: descendants were not like fathers). Ida’at 2018.
    – (Intellectual property theft in the past and present). Alukah Network, October 2018.
    – (The turning point in Saladin’s life). Alukah Network, September 2018
    – (Ibn Jawzi’s rhetoric). Alukah Network, July 2018
    – (When the contemporary historian is silent: silence of the fear). Arrafid Magazine, Government of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, February 2018, No. 264, pp. 25-27.
    – (Historians in Crises). Al-Hayat , November 2017
    – (Nuraddin & Saladin: a unitary project before 1000 years). Al-Hayat ,August 2017.
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