Ricerche in corso 2024 PhD Workshop – Ricerche in corso 3 June 2024 -

PhD Workshop Date: June 14, 2024 Venue: Palazzo Carità, via Pasquale Paoli 15, Pisa (Aula Pao – B1) June 14,…


Crisi sociali, Crisi scientifiche. La critica radicale della scienza tra anni 60 e 70 PhD Whorkshop – Crisi sociali, Crisi scientifiche. La critica radicale della scienza tra anni 60 e 70 2 May 2024 -

Phd Workshop “Crisi sociali, Crisi scientifiche. La critica radicale della scienza tra anni 60 e 70” Introduzione: Mauro Capocci (Università…


dottorato di ricerca in dialogo con enti e imprese Workshop – Il dottorato di ricerca in dialogo con enti e imprese per la valorizzazione delle conoscenze 2 May 2024 -

Workshop “Il dottorato di ricerca in dialogo con enti e imprese per la valorizzazione delle conoscenze” Welcome Riccardo Zucchi, Magnifico…


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ERANOS CONFERENCE 2024 – Sept. 5-4, 2024 22 May 2024 -

ERANOS CONFERENCE 2024: ‘The Age of Disoriented Consciousness. Uncertainties of Time and Anxiety of the Future’ Casa Eranos, Ascona (Switzerland),…


Seminario GEIST Lecture Le discours philosophique: un inedito di Michel Foucault. Orazio Irrera (Université Paris 8) 5 May 2024 -

Orazio Irrera (Université Paris 8) Le discours philosophique: un inedito di Michel Foucault Speakers: Gennaro Boccolino (Università di Firenze – Università di…


The joint Florence-Pisa Doctoral School in Philosophy originates from an agreement between the University of Florence and the University of Pisa. It aims to train scholars who, starting from a basic mastery of all areas of philosophy, make original contributions to one or more specific subjects and are, at the same time, able to identify and explore the connections between the contemporary philosophical debate and other disciplines within the humanities and sciences. This purpose is well served by the division into four curricula:

  • History of Philosophy
  • Logic, Philosophy and History of Science
  • Ethics, Politics and Religions
  • Theoretical Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language

The School’s administrative office and the Coordinator: