Workshop “Trust – A Philosophical Approach“, web edition
Registration for TRUST 2020 is open and free: https://iscrizioni.aicgroup.it/AlternativeUserProfile.asp?iCurPage=1&IDEvento=122&noflag=
Pierluigi Barrotta
Luca Bellotti
Elisa Coda
Cristina D’Ancona
Adriano Fabris
Roberto Gronda
Giuseppe Longo
Antonio Masala
Marco Menon
Enrico Moriconi
Veronica Neri
Ilya Somin
h. 09.30 a.m. Welcome
h. 10 a.m. PANEL 1: History of Philosophy
From Antiquity to thè Middle Ages. Philosophy, Truth, and Demonstration – C. D’Ancona
Philosophy and Scripture. Medieval Jewish Opinions on Creation and thè Laws of Nature – E. Coda
h. 11.15 a.m. PANEL 2: Ethics
Can We Trust Machines? The Role of Trust in Technological Environments – A. Fabris
Community and Trust in thè Network Society. The Case of Virtual Communities – V. Neri
Ore 12.30 Chiusura lavori
Ore 14.30 Ripresa dei lavori
h. 2.30 p.m. PANEL 3: Logics and Philosophy of Science
Information, Science and Democracy, for an Ethics of Scientific Knowledge – G. Longo
Epistemic Inequality and thè Grounds of Trust in Scientific Experts – P. Barrotta, R. Gronda
On Trust in Mathematics: Some Case Studies – L. Bellotti, E. Monconi
h. 4.15 p.m. PANEL 4: Political philosophy
Populism as thè Crisis of Politicai Trust – A. Masaia
Trust and Fiduciary Power – M. Menon
Trust and Politicai Ignorance – I. Somin