On Thursday, Jan. 25, at 4 p.m., in the Aula Magna Nuova of “La Sapienza” Palace, a ceremony will be…
Round table on “Con Hegel, oltre Hegel” by Roberto Morani
On Thursday, November 23, at 5 p.m., the Sala Ferri of the Gabinetto Vieusseux (Palazzo Strozzi, Florence) will be the…
Centro GRAL – Workshop 2023
We cordially invite you to attend the International Workshop Pseudo-Aristotle. De Mundo Greek, Syriac, Arabic, and Latin to be held in…
Workshop Umani Artificiali, studi e prospettive di una nuova quotidianità
Workshop organised by PhD students in Philosophy We cordially invite you to the Workshop “Umani Artificiali, studi e prospettive di…
Workshop of Research: Work in progress & a Lecture by Hana Gruendler
We cordially invite you to attend the Workshop Research: Work in progress Speakers: Claudio Aquino, Giacomo Brioni, Veronica Cavedagna, Claudio…
workshop “Exegesis and Knowledge from Antiquity to the Middle Ages”
Workshop organised by PhD students in Philosophy and in the Sciences of Antiquity and Archaeology The workshop “Exegesis and Knowledge…
Five lectures by M. Rashed (Paris-Sorbonne)
We cordially invite you to the following lectures by Marwan Rashed (Paris-Sorbonne) Sept. 26, h. 4.30 p.m. , Anaxagoras’ Intuitionism,…
Call for Applications – Settimana di Formazione dottorale GRAL 2023 – deadline Sept. 1st, 2023
Settimana di FORMAZIONE DOTTORALE 2023 sul tema: Il De Mundo pseudo-aristotelico tra greco, latino, siriaco, armeno e arabo Pisa, Nov.…
A lecture by Giorgio Venturi (Università di Pisa)– May 12, 2023
A lecture by Giorgio Venturi (Università di Pisa) on The modal logic of generic absoluteness Date and time: Friday 12 May…
Round Table with Diana Quarantotto
We cordially invite you to attend the Book talks and the Round Table Diana Quarantotto, L’Universo senza spazio. Aristotele e…